Free eLearning Module – SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus – COVID-19 Disease – Prevention and Actions

SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus – COVID-19 Disease – Prevention and Actions Free eLearning Module Hello, This is an announcement of general interest and was already sent to the people with whom Ascendia S.A has or had interactions in the area of e-Learning. As COVID-19, the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, has the potential to have a […]
Modul e-Learning gratuit – Prezentare și măsuri CORONAVIRUS

Prezentare și măsuri CORONAVIRUS Modul e-Learning gratuit Bună ziua, Acesta este post de interes general și a fost trimis către persoanele cu care Ascendia S.A are sau a avut interacțiuni în zona de e-Learning in general. Întrucât COVID-19, boala generata de coronavirusul chinezesc, are potențialul de a avea un impact negativ mare în zona de […]
Long Story Short

Long Story Short So, welcome to our blog! This is the first post. About the company I am Cosmin, I am the CEO of ASCENDIA, the company responsible for developing LIVRESQ and, from time to time I’ll write in this blog to let you all know our plans for the tool, our successes or failures […]