Cosmin Malureanu
Hello everyone,
As LIVRESQ is growing, we are adding new and interesting features.
In this post I will share with you our general ROADMAP for the PUBLISHING options of the LIVRESQ Library (library.livresq.com), the complementary system of LIVRESQ Author.
There are a few categories of users and while some need simple publish and share capabilities, others need more complex ones.
At the present time you can publish from LIVRESQ Author firstly by downloading your content from LIVRESQ Author. So, an existing option. Go to a Project in LIVRESQ Author, chose Export and you’ll have some options:

The Download category is quite self explanatory. The user can download a package and use it as it sees fit. It is worth mentioning that the SCORM packages are useful when the user wants to use them in a Learning Management System. Most Learning Management Systems out there are SCORM compliant, this being a huge advantage especially when managing the learning process. In a few words, because of SCORM the teachers/trainers/managers/admins in the LMS know how many students used the course, what time each spent in it, how many times one entered, what is his score at quizzes, what is his completion rate and so on. We might add xAPI packaging or AICC packaging in the future.
On the other hand, the plain HTML5 .zip package is a package that works both online and offline. If a user wants to upload the content on his own website, he can. If he wants to take it on a USB stick and use it in school with a projector, he can.
There is a vast category of users that want to directly publish their material online. Some want just a link to share with others, some might want to have the content private or some may want to publish a content to sell.
For those, we have a plan for the LIVRESQ Library (library.livresq.com) upgrades. Some features already exist.
So, from LIVRESQ Author chose Export, then “Publish to Library”. Then, from the Library you will be able to design how your users will be able to see your content.
1. ONLINE in LIVRESQ Library
- 1.1. PUBLIC (to be displayed in platform Shelf – requires admin approval)
- 1.1.1. FREE FOR ALL – anyone can open it by accessing the public LIVRESQ Library (Library logged in or not)
- 1.1.2. PAID – only users that PAY may access it (Library logged in only) – this way the publishers will earn money
- 1.2. PRIVATE (you have it in your Shelf only)
- 1.2.1. FREE FOR ALL – who has the secret link can see it by accessing the link (Library logged in or not)
- 1.2.2. LIST OF VIEWERS – you add the usernames/email addresses of the users who can see the content (Library logged in only)
2. ONLINE in CoffeeLMS ( a surprise 🙂 )
What I marked with green, is functioning already (we are still making some adjustments though). What is marked with blue is on the development roadmap. 1.2.2 option is the one that will see the light of day by the end of April 2020.
Please note that the users having a LIVRESQ Author license have also LIVRESQ Library access. Other users may create only LIVRESQ Library accounts (freely!). We do not focus on this for now, but soon it will be an important information, as the publishing options in LIVRESQ Library expand.
Stay safe everyone,
Cosmin Malureanu
CEO Ascendia S.A.