
See what is new in LIVRESQ.
Here you will find the release notes for each version.


New features

New: Question pool – you can select how many questions it will show from the available ones
New: More options for AI Enhancer – AI Text Rephraser 


Bug fixes

Fix: bug fixes and speed improvements


New features

New: The AI Video Generator has been upgraded. New characters, new gestures. You can now insert backgrounds. 
New: Created materials have now a „Search” feature in their main menu, for finding relevant keywords in the sections.
New: The left panel is now resizable. We did this to allow users to work on multiple screen sizes and types.
New: Some quizzes have a new skin


Bug fixes

Fix: Avatars now wait for the user if not in visibile area. This fixes the fact that avatars would jump over content just to have their next „say”. The bug was visibile mostly on mobile. Now, the next interaction will trigger only if that interaction is visibile on the screen. 


New features

New: The AI Lesson And Course Generator is now launched for all PRO and PREMIUM accounts;
New: Stock videos are now available to be inserted – Pixabay and Pexels sources;
New: Generate Video with the help of AI is now in BETA! You can find it at each video->”Change Video” – „AI Generated”.

Bug fixes

Fix: Many bug fixes and speed improvements


New features

New: Added a new import method from .zip archives (Beta mode) for PRO and PREMIUM accounts;
New: Users can now move forward in the lesson by pressing „Continue” from the keyboard;
New: You can now set from “Project->Assistants”, standard avatar properties for “TTS settings”;
New: The last modern avatar in any course no longer shows the “Continue” button;
New: The „Continue” button no longer appears on the avatar that has the „Special activation” checkmark;
New: In „Project Preferences”, the option „Show progress in the menu” has been added and is checked by default;


Bug fixes

Fix: The Facebook link from the homepage works properly now
Fix: HotSpot resource is now responsive



New features

New: Collapse/Expand in edit mode for all questions in a QUIZ;
New: Collapse/Expand in edit mode for all TAB items;
New: Collapse/Expand in edit on ACORDEON items;
New: LIVRESQ serves language now by location;
New: As a Fill-in QUIZ creator, I would like to be able to define characters that appear on some keystrokes.


New features

New: Users can now stop the sound for the entire course/lesson (a new button appears);
New: Fill-in quiz type launched;
New: Duplicate Question & duplicate Options – new addon for quizzes;
New: The HotSpot resource received “Description” and “Help” fields – like for the other resources;
New: As a library user a new filter has been launched in the private shelf – Created by me /Created by others;
New: An editor user can now share a project with multiple teams or based on a user’s email;
New: Each resource that has a “complete” function can now become a barrier. Default is set to “off”;
New: Monthly subscriptions can now be purchased automatically without the user having to go through the procedure every month.


New features

New: New upgraded settings for the speech bubbles of the elearning avatars;
New: The table of content (TOC) is now upgraded – it can better track progress;
New: Enabled subscript and superscript in the text editor;
New: A user can now lock audio & video jump controls;


New features

New: Text to Speech settings are now memorized for reusability (metadata for .mp3);
New: Better security for the accounts and better validation process;
New: Email verification of new accounts is enabled;
New: Microsoft tech alpha implementation of Text-To-Diagram;


New features

New: The loading speed of the presentation website has been greatly improved;

Bug fixes

Fix: Two succesive avatar bubbles would sometimes generate a bug;
Fix: Buttons would sometimes overlap;
Fix: Tooltip save was generating a wrong month;
Fix: Overlapping, out of sync and repeatable audio resources in Export to Library;
Fix: Upload in the avatar section was not working properly;
Fix: Audio for exported project was not working well;
Fix: Duplicated audio resources, when publishing, were not functioning correctly;
Fix: Error 901 was sometimes generated when trying to duplicate project;
Fix: An error was showing when the user was trying to add a barrier by double-click.


New features

New: The LIVRESQ library and the LIVRESQ courses and interactive lessons from there now load 2x faster;
New: The user can now add empty spaces in the math editor if LIVRESQ;
New: As a user I want to be returned Home when I close the LAST tab in the Workshop (so I don’t get the pop-up to create a new project);
New: The language selector in the Author and Library should also have a country flag (like CoffeeLMS);
New: As a user I now get a notification when I enter LIVRESQ with a device with width/heigth less than the minimum required.

Bug fixes

Fix: In the avatar speech bubble, texts sometimes would overlap;
Fix: Saving tooltip would show wrong month when saving;
Fix: Audio resources in certain exported projects would sometimes overlap.


New features

New: Bulgarian language is now supported
New: Now you can access the Library directly from the Editor. The button is located in the right upper corner, near the language selector.
New: Inside the Library, the time of publication of a course/lesson is now displayed, not just the date.
New: Moodle – LIVRESQ plugin extended. Moodle – LIVRESQ course now opens in new tab. Moodle admin has a new form of LIVRESQ message.
New: Avatar controls in course are now enhanced for better utilisation and navigation. Mute avatar is now an option also

Bug fixes

Fix: Titles were not displaying correctly inside the Library
Fix: Users joining teams would see duplicate fields at registration
Fix: Unclear message at login when the user was entering wrong credentials
Fix: During navigation the avatar would sometimes appear incorrectly
Fix: Quiz labels field did not save inside images correctly
Fix: View resource in organizer was showing a white screen


New features

New: LIVRESQ now has a plugin for installation in Moodle and fast integration between the two. Offered on request.
New: The image that is placed as a representative image in Metadata is now referenced in the SCORM package, so that LMS can find it
New: A link in the Author about changelog is now displayed
New: On any quiz you now have the option – „Disable try again button on treshold pass”

Bug fixes

Fix: Deleting an item from Share produced both a success message and an error message
Fix: When duplicating projects – avatar order changed in certain situations
Fix: Sometimes two errors were being generated when logging in (Error 848/849)
Fix: Error 901 was being generated on splitting sections
Fix: Wrong alignment on quiz answer in choice case
Fix: Content changes would sometimes give error 961
Fix: Highlight quiz was not reporting correctly in an LMS platform
Fix: A multiple choice quiz would crash and the answer would not appear in the LMS platform.

New features

New: Slide menu can now be inserted for PC/tablet view. Selectable from Preferences tab.
New: Accessing a .pdf document from a course will now download it nicely to not obstruct the view
New: Enhanced audio compatibility for running content on IOS

Bug fixes

Fix: Resetting a course would show a warning that the current location is not yet unlocked, generating confusion
Fix: Quiz highlight” was crashing if you were inserting punctuation marks that were touching the words. Fix: In some cases triggering the “Help” button would crash the elearning avatars
Fix: Elearning avatars with no content would generate warnings when using the share functionality
Fix: Error 1001 would trigger when 2 tabs with the same course were opened Fix: Sometimes bookmarks would not register correctly the progress when being used for menu navigation

New features

New: The Quiz now offers a new Challenge type: Highlight
New: Russian language supported.

Bug fixes

Fix: The scroll position was getting lost in some circumstances after preview 
Fix: Packaging for SCORM 2004 4th was producing some non-standard identifiers
Fix: Audio synthesis was producing error 959 when closing the window too fast 
Fix: Audio synthesis for Google Voices had some issues
Fix: The checkmark signaling Bookmark completion was missing if you had images inside the Section
Fix: Copy/pasting some rich text was producing error 960 
Fix: Copy/pasting some images was producing error 1149.011

New features

New: You can now restrict exported courses with a password
New: Added a lot of great synthetic voices (Microsoft TTS)

Bug fixes

Fix: Duplicating multiple resources followed by Undo was causing failing
Fix: Advanced styling was producing Error 960 in cases of multiple selection
Fix: The trimming of some texts in LMS communication could produce invalid texts
Fix: Session duration was not reported each minute
Fix: Saving an audio recording without stopping it first was corrupting the audio file
Fix: The failure to create Resources was not producing an error
Fix: The failure to delete a project was not producing an error
Fix: Broken bookmarks could induce havoc
Fix: Some language names were not properly capitalized
Fix: Parts of the Help were overflowing
Fix: Mobile preview was not properly reacting to resize
Fix: PRO users were receiving mistaken emails about storage space
Fix: Some images could exhibit unexpected rotation in the exported course

New features

New: You can now override the theme font family, font size and text color
New: Video now also accepts SRT subtitles
New: Support for RON currency
New: (Internal) Ability to import texts into a Project from a special DOCX

Bug fixes

Fix: The Book details from Library was displaying the wrong value for the language property
Fix: The percent sign was difficult to insert into math equations
Fix: The SPACE key could produce unexpected navigation in a Quiz
Fix: The assistant was allowed as Launchable resource
Fix: The exported Book contained some useless references
Fix: Some assets had unknown type
Fix: Delays in custom LMS communication were unsafe and could cause some loss of data
Fix: Audio recordings had sound crackling and produced deeper voice than normal
Fix: Renaming in Organizer was broken
Fix: Slow network of client could produce error 1149. It now produces error 961.
Fix: Theme font was not being inherited correctly
Fix: The Quiz feedback was producing some useless elements
Fix: Project statistics were broken if a Speech referenced was missing Assistant posture
Fix: Pasting some rich text could produce the broken-image symbol
Fix: The bookmark symbol was missing
Fix: The help was being obstructed 
Fix: The text editor was sometimes jittery
Fix: Images without height inside text were overflowing
Fix: Floating images were overflowing

New features

New: Now you can decide to show only certain parts of a movie
New: The quizzes now have a new option to always show a reset button
New: You can restrict user access to your published project based on the resolution of their screen
New: You can decide the category of the project exported to the public library of LIVRESQ at the time of export
New: Several operators are now available in the formula editor
New: Resource size calculation now more efficient 

Bug fixes

Fix: Project statistics were all zero in certain circumstances
Fix: You could not edit a Project immediately after exporting it 
Fix: Preview in Organizer not working properly on Mac – Safari
Fix: Font in a quiz changed under certain circumstances 
Fix: You could not set the value 0 delay effect

New features

New: The internal texts of the Quizzes can now be edited
New: „Amethyst – Flower Bloom” template fully launched
New: The Application resource now contains a small explanatory message
New: More Friendly Emails for Partner Users
New: Better experience for Adservio users
New: Titles (normal and publication) are now unified by resource name
New: Toolbars on the resource bar have been standardized
New: Questions in the quizzes can now be mixed
New: The pink page at the entrance to the Bookstore has been removed!
New: Sections start now with „Central Constraint” enabled
New: A better internal text collection system for translation
New: Project option to show the menu at different times (at the beginning or when navigating between sections)
New: Development Team gets Notified Earlier about Errors


Bug fixes

Fix: Sometimes the attachment was loaded incorrectly
Fix: The Gallery resource sometimes had problems with the image order
Fix: The message „Content is empty” was off-center
Fix: Mathematical formulas were allowed in metadata
Fix: When deletion produced zero changes, two messages appeared on the screen
Fix: Duplication of section sometimes caused an error
Fix: The title „Create resource” was not translated into other languages
Fix: URL drop-down guide text was unclear
Fix: Project bookmarks did not appear in the text editor
Fix: Statistics of a shared project sometimes did not appear
Fix: Sometimes Tablet / mobile size was not detected correctly
Fix: On mobile resolution, Tabs did not look great, they do now
Fix: You could not delete the activity of a material in the LIVRESQ Library unless you had the latest version of it
Fix: It was not clear when you solved a drag-and-drop Challenge correctly
Fix: Properties of another resource remained selected sometimes
Fix: Application resource had export issues
Fix: resources errors did not produce data loss notification
Fix: Sometimes reopening  a Resource in the Organizer did not show the latest version
Fix: An error message in the Library was not descriptive enough
Fix: The representative image of the Project sometimes produced error 1149
Fix: When working without others on the same project, you may have had minor version conflicts. Fixed.
Fix: Scale and retest Quizzes could cause blockages
Fix: The server was unstable when certain conditions were met
Fix: Could not select text from Metadata keywords
Fix: You could not edit video cover
Fix: You could not export certain projects
Fix: The selection box would sometimes offset
Fix: Focus on numerical values ​​produced unexpected effects at will
Fix: Could not add text to metadata
Fix: Couldn’t put slash (/) in title
Fix: Library courses did not work on the Brave browser
Fix: The TOC was not getting enough room on mobile
Fix: Pptx files with large images could not be imported
Fix: Deleted File Size Incorrectly Reported
Fix: Chrome Grammarly extension generates errors in LIVRESQ
Fix: The One-by-One Placement Quizzes sometimes caused the variants to disappear

New features

New: Advanced formula editor launched!
New: Copied formulas from Microsoft Word can now be pasted directly into LIVRESQ’s formula editor.
New: A better integration with EduCred.
New: SCORM packages have now included an index of the internal files.
New: Published projects found in the LIVRESQ Library can now be updated

Bug fixes

Fix: Sometimes bookmarks were lost when copy/pasting
Fix: Menus would sometimes get grey focus
Fix: Sometimes when moving fast through a section with Next without seeing the end of that section you would not get complete status for it.
Fix: Old files would sometimes get cached in the browser and generate errors when updates were made

Caracteristici noi

Nou: Proiectele, Secțiunile și resursele pot fi acum create direct din prima pagină a Autorului LIVRESQ
Nou: Butoanele de configurare a lansării resurselor sunt acum mai intuitive
Nou: Câmpul de căutare organizator a fost mutat lângă alte filtre și acum este mai ușor să ștergeți toate filtrele
Nou: Vizualizarea unei resurse izolate este acum la fel ca în carte, într-o fereastră
Nou: Puteți muta sau copia (cu Ctrl) fișiere în Organizator prin glisare
Nou: Barele de sus din Autor sunt acum albastre și este mai clar în ce zonă vă aflați
Nou: Butonul de export proiect a fost mutat în bara din stânga și acum este mai proeminent
Nou: Pagina de pornire a autorului are acum o schemă de tutorial și link-urile către Organizator sunt mai clare
Nou: O nouă verificare în Test vă permite să decideți dacă răspunsurile elevului persistă sau nu după reîmprospătare
Nou: Tipul de resursă: Aplicație – Acum poate fi fluidă pentru mobil
Nou: Opțiuni avansate în editorul de imagini. Puteți redimensiona imaginea, puteți curăța imaginea (prin umplerea cu alb), puteți introduce fotografii în imagine ca autocolante.
Nou: Puteți lipi conținutul secțiunilor în alte secțiuni
Nou: Suport pentru încărcarea fișierelor PPTX în plus față de EPUB

Remedieri de erori

Remediere: Uneori, erorile care nu erau legate de Organizator apăreau în Organizator
Remediere: Secțiunile au fost considerate finalizate chiar dacă nu ați trecut toate barierele
Remediere: nu ați putea trage lucruri dacă ați pune un distanțier în secțiune
Remediere: Selectorul de limbă din Bibliotecă nu era compatibil cu dispozitivele mobile
Remediere: Nu ați putut schimba limba din Bibliotecă ca utilizator anonim
Remediere: Spațiul disponibil în Organizator a fost raportat incorect

Este posibil să experimentați probleme la autentificare în contul de Editor/Bibliotecă. Lucrăm la remedierea lor. Estimăm rezolvarea situație la data de 22.07.2020 ora 18:00."

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