Find out the latest about what we are doing for the LIVRESQ - Authoring Tool. It is a journey.

Ascendia, a partner in the European project EMPASS, an employment skills project to be developed by JA Europe and a consortium of 14 partners with funding from the European Union
Ascendia, a partner in the European project EMPASS, an employment skills project to be developed by JA Europe and a consortium of 14 partners with

How to Effectively Use GIFs for an Engaging Learning Experience
With the rapid advancement of technology, the way we learn has also evolved. We no longer have to rely on boring lectures and paper-based tests, as interactive and engaging e-learning courses have become the new norm. And to keep up with this trend, incorporating GIFs in e-learning courses can be a great way to enhance the learning experience.

How to Make Hyperlinks Work for Your E-Learning Courses
The success of an e-learning course lies in its ability to engage and interact with its students. One way to achieve this is by incorporating hyperlinks into your course material. In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of hyperlinks and how to use them effectively to enhance the learning experience for your students.

Using Image and Video Galleries to Boost Your E-Learning Courses
The e-learning industry is booming, as more people are turning to digital learning solutions for education or professional development. But creating engaging courses can be a challenge. That’s where image and video galleries come in.

Maximizing the Potential of Videos in E-Learning courses: Tips for an Effective Use
Video has become an increasingly popular medium for e-learning due to its ability to engage learners and facilitate the transfer of knowledge in an efficient and effective way. In fact, according to a report by the eLearning Industry, video is now the most commonly used type of multimedia in online courses, with 98% of organizations planning to use it in their training programs.

Create Engaging and Effective Courses with e-Learning Templates
Do you want to create engaging and effective e-learning courses without spending hours on design? Do you want to save time and money while boosting your learners’ satisfaction? If you answered yes, then e-learning templates are for you!

Text-to-Speech technology and the LIVRESQ platform, means of digitizing education
The evolution of technology and the pace at which innovations of this type are being implemented in various fields of activity have been accelerated by the events of the last year, demonstrating once again that digitisation is a vector of transformation, and education is one of the areas where its impact is significant, all the more so as the education system is at the heart of society’s development.

Using Canva’s Color Palettes Tool for Your Course
Synergies are found all over in nature, so it must be of no surprise that digital tools synergise also. Today we will talk about something that is essential in the process of creating courses and that is finding and using the right color palette for the right audience.

AICC vs SCORM – which is better?
AICC and SCORM are two different technical specifications for eLearning. They define how content is packaged and communicated between e-learning authoring tools and learning management systems.
It’s the age-old question. AICC vs SCORM. which eLearning standard should you use?
Admittedly, it’s not as fun as asking Marvel vs DC, but it’s still an important question to answer. The good news is that there is a clear winner in this fight: SCORM. Here’s why.

Engaging E-Learning: How to Use Quizzes to Boost Learner Interaction and Understanding
Online learning has become increasingly important in education and training, with a wide variety of courses available to learners. To make these courses effective, it is essential to engage and interact with learners. One way to achieve this is through the use of quizzes.

Enrich Your E-Learning Courses: The Power of Attachments
Authoring tools are becoming increasingly popular in the field of e-learning because they offer a wide range of features that make course creation a breeze. These tools allow instructors to create interactive and engaging courses that can be accessed by learners from anywhere and at any time.

Tips for Finding the Best Images for Your e-Learning Course
When building an e-learning course, images can be a powerful tool for engaging and informing your students. However, finding the right images can be challenging. This guide will provide you with tips and examples to help you find high-quality visuals that are relevant to your subject matter and in keeping with the tone of your course.

Ascendia is integrating OpenAI technology into LIVRESQ
Ascendia is integrating OpenAI technology into LIVRESQ The e-learning company Ascendia, listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange, announces the acceptance of LIVRESQ in the Microsoft

What is SCORM compliant?
What is SCORM Compliant? E-Learning courses have become commonplace in the modern corporate world. Many companies use some form of eLearning to train their employees

Beautiful eLearning Template „Aero-Skyline”
„Aero – Skyline” eLearning Template a beautiful elearning theme for corporate courses Hello everyone, As we roll updates on LIVRESQ, it is also fun to

Ascendia (developer of LIVRESQ) wins an Edulib contract worth over €3.5M to revolutionise digital education in Romania
The Romanian e-learning company Ascendia S.A., traded on the Bucharest Stock Exchange
(symbol ASC), announces the winning of the tender contract for Edulib – the national digital
platform with open educational resources.

Designing Effective Popups for E-Learning Courses: Tips to Improve Engagement and Learning
Popups are an effective tool to provide learners with additional information, feedback, or guidance without interrupting the flow of the course. They can help reinforce learning and improve engagement by presenting information in a concise and easily digestible format.

Maximizing Engagement in E-Learning: The Power of Advanced Textbox Styling and Design Elements
Text boxes are vital in authoring tools for creating engaging and interactive e-learning content. They offer a range of customization options that allow creators to tailor the appearance and functionality of their content to suit their specific needs and objectives.

Leveraging Audio in Your E-Learning Content
Incorporating audio into e-learning content can greatly enhance the learning experience for learners. Audio is an effective tool for increasing engagement, improving retention, and enhancing comprehension. However, to maximize the potential of audio, it is essential to consider several factors when incorporating it into e-learning content.

How to Upload Courses Into WordPress?
A short tutorial. Easy way to get your traning courses to work with WordPress.

Ascendia (LIVRESQ) featured in Microsoft’s global AI for Accessibility Hall of Fame
Our Romanian company Ascendia S.A., the first e-learning company to trade on the Bucharest Stock Exchange, with deep experience in e-learning software development, is now featured in Microsoft’s global AI for Accessibility Hall of Fame. This is a huge honor because we are “ one of the 3 worldwide Education companies listed in Microsoft AI for Accessibility Hall of Fame and the only one from Europe!”, according to Florentina Marilena Ionascu – Educational Director at Microsoft.

Roadmap for LIVRESQ Library and other publishing options
Roadmap for LIVRESQ Library and other publishing options Hello everyone, As LIVRESQ is growing, we are adding new and interesting features. In this post

Free eLearning Module – SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus – COVID-19 Disease – Prevention and Actions
SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus – COVID-19 Disease – Prevention and Actions Free eLearning Module Hello, This is an announcement of general interest and was already sent to