FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Find out the answers to the most frequently asked questions about LIVRESQ

LIVRESQ is an eLearning Authoring Tool. With it you can create eLearning courses and interactive lessons. Everything is done online, you do not have to download or install anything.

Yes, LIVRESQ offers a free account to everyone that desires to create all types of educational materials.

There are 5 possible ways:

1) The most popular is to export an HTML5 package, the package can then be placed on any website. Moreover, this package also works offline (without internet).
2) For those who are in companies / or work for companies: there is a SCORM 2004 3rd edition and a SCORM 2004 4th edition (both for LMS) 
3) SCORM 1.2 package (for LMS)
4) Published privately in the personal shelf of the LIVRESQ Library - where those who will access the content receive a secret link
5) Published free of charge, for everyone (public) in the LIVRESQ Library - where all users will be able to see the content

Yes! LIVRESQ has templates already created by the LIVRESQ team. These are pieces of content (projects, sections, quizzes, images, etc.) put in a certain order. You don't have to start a project from scratch. To access them, enter the Organizer and there you will find "Templates".

All content created by you in LIVRESQ belongs to you 100%. You can do whatever you want with it, selling it, giving it away for free, it is your choice.

At this time, the LIVRESQ interface can be accessed in the following languages:

  • Romanian
  • English
  • French
  • Spanish
  • Italian
  • German
  • Swedish
  • Bulgarian
  • Hungarian
  • Portuguese
  • Ukrainian
  • Chinese (zh-cn)
  • Russian
  • Korean
  • Arabic


If you want to add some content that is in another language, you can do it by copy-paste, LIVRESQ will accept the text.

LIVRESQ is completely online, so cloud-based. To use the Author you just have to log into the online platform from a browser. You don't need to download anything on your computer or install any browser plug-in.

Yes, in LIVRESQ several users can work together on the same material. Through the collaboration function, LIVRESQ offers a secret editing link to the material that can be accessed by your team (or those you want to collaborate with).

This is useful when you have a team and you need to work together on the same project.

These are the steps:

Step 1 - Select the Course in LIVRESQ

Step 2 - Click on the Share button, this is found in the top-central area

Step 3 - Check the course in the pop-up window and copy the link

Step 4 - Click “Confirm”

Now this link can be sent to another user. Once the new user clicks it, it will open it in Edit mode and you can both work on that course.

This action needs to be done only once per each receiving user, as the course will show up after in the “Shared with me” Section of LIVRESQ.

No programming skills are required. The interface is very easy to use (WYSIWYG). With drag and drop you can put the resources you need to assemble the course / lesson.

The courses / lessons made with LIVRESQ are responsive, so they work on desktops, tablets, phones, regardless of screen size. They work on any device with a browser.

Yes! From LIVRESQ you can export the courses / lessons as SCORM 2004 3rd and SCORM 1.2 packages. These standards are the most used when working with an LMS.

You can easily find the LIVRESQ team at the email address help@livresq.com. We reply within 1 business day.

Yes! LIVRESQ is successfully used by companies to develop Microlearning content.

LIVRESQ uses Images, Galleries, Textboxes, Quizzes, Videos, Audio Files, Pop-ups, GIFs, iFrames, Tables, Templates. All of these resources can be used to build a LIVRESQ course or lesson.

LIVRESQ uses a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to send you platform files depending on your geographic location. So it will work great no matter where you are.

Yes! You do not need an LMS to access the lessons created with LIVRESQ. Any material can be exported from LIVRESQ as an HTML5 package - a package that will work in any browser, even offline. Moreover, any material can be published in the private shelf of the LIVRESQ Library, where it can only be accessed by those who receive the secret link from you.

Yes! You can use either elements from other materials you or your collaborators created, or the LIVRESQ Templates - that is, content already developed by the LIVRESQ team to make development process easier.

Yes! LIVRESQ understands the need to make content look the way you want it to.

A "seat" is an access account (based on an email) to all the functionalities of content creation from LIVRESQ. The buyer decides exactly who to allocate the seat to.

Yes! We are launching new features every two weeks.

Yes! All the new features launched in LIVRESQ will reach all of those who have active accounts, regardless of the date of purchase. 

Yes! The procedure takes less than a minute. All you have to do to add a lesson / course to Microsoft Teams is below.
1. Select the class, channel (team) in Microsoft Teams
2. On the right side press the "+" button - the "Add a Tab" button
3. Select "Website"
4. Add the direct link to the lesson in your LIVRESQ Shelf
5. Completed! Now you have the lesson in Microsoft Teams

Yes! You can find the LIVRESQ community groups in the dedicated section here.

Directly in the LIVRESQ Library, this is here.

Yes they are! For LMS, the courses created in LIVRESQ can be exported as SCORM 2004 3rd and 4th edition packages and as SCORM 1.2 packages.

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