AICC vs SCORM - which is better?

AICC and SCORM are two different ways to package and communicate eLearning content between authoring tools and learning management systems.

It’s the age-old question. AICC vs SCORM. which eLearning standard should you use? 

Admittedly, it’s not as fun as asking Marvel vs DC, but it’s still an important question to answer. The good news is that there is a clear winner in this fight: SCORM. Here’s why.

AICC vs SCORM: How old are these standards?

The origins of the AICC vs SCORM rivalry can be traced back to the early days of eLearning standards. AICC (Aviation Industry Computer-Based Training Committee) was first, debuting in 1988. SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model), on the other hand, didn’t come along until a few years later in 2000. From the beginning, these two standards were created with different goals in mind. AICC was designed to be simple and easy to implement while SCORM was built to be more flexible and adaptable.

AICC vs SCORM: Features, upgrades, advantages and disadvantages

In the present day, both AICC and SCORM are still widely known eLearning standards. That said, there is no denying that SCORM has emerged as the clear winner. One of the biggest reasons for this is that SCORM is responsive design compliant. This means that your eLearning courses will automatically adjust to fit any screen size, whether it’s a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. AICC, on the other hand, is not responsive design compliant. In this regard, the AICC group was also disbanded in 2014.

Another big advantage that SCORM has over AICC is that it’s much easier to update and modify existing SCORM courses than it is to update and modify AICC courses. This gives you the flexibility to make changes on the fly without having to start from scratch every time something needs to be updated. 

Finally, SCORM integrates seamlessly with most major LMSs (learning management systems) while AICC does not. In fact, most recent LMSs don’t support AICC at all! So, if you are using AICC courses and an AICC only LMS, you will have extensive problems in the future if a need arises to change either the authoring tool or the LMS. 

Which is the winner?

When it comes down to it, there is no contest between AICC vs SCORM—SCORM is the clear winner. It’s more flexible and adaptable than AICC, it’s responsive design compliant, and it integrates seamlessly with most major LMSs and there are many. So, if you’re looking for an eLearning standard that will serve your needs now and into the future, look no further than SCORM!






Limited and losing support


Extensive (around 800 commercial LMS worldwide)


Updatability of Courses



Future Features Probability


Almost impossible

Results tracking for courses



To start creating SCORM e-learning content, we invite you to activate a LIVRESQ free account.

Picture of Alex Malureanu

Alex Malureanu

Co-founder & CMO
eLearning company Ascendia

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